Home Business 6 Awesome apps which can help you post “NOTE BAN” in India...

6 Awesome apps which can help you post “NOTE BAN” in India – Demonetization

Apps to survive demonetization
Image Source : Livemint.com

After the demonetization announcement on 8th of Nov. many people are facing problems in transacting and finding money in the ATM’s . Thankfully there are many apps currently available in the app store, which can help us beat the pain of Note ban and demonetization.


Paytm is mobile wallet cum eCommerce site, where you can easily send and receive money. You can also make bill payments. You can also transfer money to some other person through Paytm. Paytm is also helping small vendor’s by its partner program where they can do transaction through Paytm. Source 


Freecharge is another mobile wallet, from where you can make your bill payments and other small expenses. You can also receive payments easily through free charge.  It also gives you points for using free charge for transacting purpose, which you can redeem later by buying something from their partner outlet. Source

3oxigen wallet

Oxigen is another wallet, which you can use for mobile charging and other payment stuff. It’s easy to use. Oxigen also provide various coupon to shop from, if you use Oxigen for transacting purpose. Source 

4Jio Money

Jio money is the latest mobile wallet, launched by Mukesh Ambani let Jio Communication. It offer wide range of service, you can make bill payments by using Jio-money, you can send and request money, you can make or receive payment using bar code. you can win vouchers and coupon from here.  Source

5Cash No Cash

Cash No Cash is launched by quiker and nasscom. to provide you with information regarding cash availability of cash in nearby location. It is a Pincode based program, where you just need to put Pincode of your area and you may get to know the status of cash in nearby ATM’s.


Walnut is a personnel finance app,  has also launched a feature to help you amid the cash crunch.Walnut has approximately 2 million users and tracks when they withdraw cash to help you locate ATMs with cash in your area. Based on this information, it can tell you if the ATM has cash or no cash; the user base also shares details such as the length of the queue with Walnut, providing the app with more data to serve to other users looking for cash. Source