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Hilarious Similarity between Swami Om Ji And Arvind Kejriwal

Hilarious Similarity between Swami Om Ji And Arvind Kejriwal Disclamer : This article is wrritien is for the purpose of entertainment, It does not describe the personality of any one. It is based on percived opinion by the people. GRAPHIC CONTENT

Similarity between Swami Om ji and Arvind Kejriwal
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Swami Om Ji is one of the most entertaining contestants on the Big Boss show, and Arvind Kejriwal is the most entertaining Politician in current time, We try to draw some similarity between the two.

1Both are entertaining & Popular

Swami Om Ji is undoubtedly the most entertaining contestant of the show, and Kejriwal is the most entertaining politician of current. They are always in the news but unfortunately for the wrong reason only 😉

2People call both of them Dhongi and Lair

Image Source : Zeenews

His co-contestants might term him as a liar and “Dhongi” but nothing can move his confidence which we have been a fan of from day one, similarly Kejriwal is known for his lies, many defemation case is pending against him, many time he said sorry also but he don’t learn from it and keep on saying wrong things about other, now people have undertood that he is a serial offender so many call him lair and Dhongi.

3People love to hate them

Image Source : DNA

Many people who watches Big boss hate him, but they want to know what he has done in today’s episode, like wise many people love to hate Kejriwal also but when ever in news he come people see him. They actually love his theatrics and drama.

4Both are “Feku” actually

Image Source : Network 18


Om Swami ji claimed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had sought his assistance during the 2015 elections. similarly Kejriwal also said many lies in his election campaign like free wi fi, Commando for women safety , eradication of corruption. Which he himself never talked about after election. So basically they both are  the real Feku.

5Both are “perceived” as “exploiter of women”

Image Source : Youtube

Both don’t respect women, we have seen Swami om ji slapping women in an live show, and his comments on show about women contestant. Similerly Kejriwal  and his party is allegedly is exploiter of women, any women who left his party claim that. Even soni who commit suicide after being harassed by party member, recently we have seen video party MLA Sandeep Kumar sexually exploiting female for making “Rashan Card”.