Home डिजिटल मार्केटिंग How to temporarily deactivate or disable your Instagram account

How to temporarily deactivate or disable your Instagram account

Image Source : octoba.net

Instagram is becoming the more popular day by day, it’s the most used app after WhatsApp and Facebook. Its most engaging platform on the internet today. This is the reason in last 6 month the advertisement spent has god doubled in Instagram.

But many time people want to detached them self from the noise of Internet and apps, especially when you are with family on vacation or busy with your important engagements. In these cases you don’t have to delete your account, you can easily deactivate or disable your Instagram account for whatever day’s you want to.

Steps to be followed to deactivate or disable your Instagram account

  1. Log into Instagram on a mobile browser or on a computer (you can’t deactivate your account from within the app itself)
  2. Click on the settings icon in the top right corner and select ‘Edit Profile’
  3. From this list select ‘Temporarily disable my account’
  4. You’ll be asked to enter your password and to submit a reason for deactivating your account
  5. Hit ‘Temporarily Disable Account’ and you’re done.

This will temporarily hide all your photos, comments and likes, making you essentially vanish from the app.

How to deactivate or disable Instagram Account

How to reactivate your account

To reactivate your account simply log back into it. Everything will be just as you left it.