Home Kabaddi 4 Player which Make Iranian Team Formidable To Beat In Kabaddi World...

4 Player which Make Iranian Team Formidable To Beat In Kabaddi World Cup 2016



Imgae Source : www.univarta.com

A complete package of Kabaddi in himself, Meraj is a formidable force in Kabaddi, in whichever team he play, he became the key player of that team. With 42 defance point and 119 raid point, in PKL is enough to prove Meraj’s credential as a all rounder. The passion with which Meraj play the kabaddi make him different then the rest.

The above player are the stars of Kabaddi league, they will play in one team during Kabaddi World Cup 2016. It ll be though task for any team to take challenge from them.
