5 Question Which Every Modi Bhakt Should Ask Modi After Uri Attack

    Pakistan has again betrayed our belief , Killed our 18 Jawans , Shouldn't we ask our Govt. some tough question .

    Narendra Modi Govt.
    Image Source : www.firstpost.com

    1How did militant able to cross LOC ?

    Image Source : www.dnaindia.com

    Yeah, we all know that Pak. is behind this gruesome attack, but how come those militant able to enter the LOC,? isn’t very important question which we should ask our Govt. ? how  they were able  to enter, in a high security zone area, where there was already a threat of attack. How did we allowed it ? & and who is responsible on our side ?

    2What Modi govt.did with Pathankot conspirators ?

    Image Source : Indianexpress.com

    Modi govt. had promised that, they will make India a secure nation. Uri isn’t a only terror attack which we have faced in the tenure of Modi Govt. We have also witnessed Pathankot attack, where we have lost 7 precious  lives of our army men. So what  did govt do to punish those who were behind that? Do’t you think it’s a legitimate question, we should ask to 56 inc Modi ji ?

    3Why Modi Govt. seems confuse as far as its  Pak policy is concern ?

    The stance which NDA govt. has taken today, of No talks, till Pak stop sponsoring terror, interestingly It  was UPA govt. stance till 2014 after 26/11 Mumbai attack. When Modi came into the power he adopted different policy of friendship and gift exchange, What did we achieved by doing that ? we are  again in a squire one from where we have started. Why Modi govt. couldn’t  able to form a firm policy to tackle Pak. ??

    4Why Govt with PDP ?

    Image Source : indianexpress.com

    People of India, Specially Modi bhakt’s and BJP supporter should ask their leader, that why they made an alliance with PDP, who is known for its sympathy towards separatist. By making alliance with PDP, didnt they cheated voter of Jammu who have voted against PDP and other party. They have also compromised their basic belief on article 370.  After 2010 there was a peace in J&K for which we need to give due credit to Congress and NC but after 2015  once this unholy alliance have formed in J&K. Maximum Number of separatist & separatist sympathizer have been released from the jail. What ever Pak role in Kashmir ( It has always been the same ) shouldn’t  there be a honest review of state govt. of how they have  tackled the situation ?

    5Are we gonna reply Pakistan or will forget like any other incident ?

    And final and foremost question, which every patriot National is asking today is, are we gonna reply back Pak really ? or we will satisfy our self esteem by  floating rumored news of “Army crossing Loc and killing 20 Paki Militant”. Indian people are very emotional and at the same time Indians  have so many problem in life. This is  why we make lots of hue and cry when any such incident take place but due to our problem in life of making money, pay taxes, bills, EMIs, Swachh Bharat CESS. we forget any incident in a matter of few weeks, am afraid we will forget this incident as well and business will become as usual. I want to ask my govt, are they going to act or …………..

    These were the question which i felt should be asked by any responsible  citizen, But in today’s India journalist don’t ask question, they debate , they accuse, they do propaganda. Hope these question to the govt. wont make me AAPian or Congi. 😀