Home Health How Chlorophytum borivilianum benefit your health

How Chlorophytum borivilianum benefit your health

How Chlorophytum borivilianum benefit your health

How Chlorophytum borivilianum benefit your health Image Source 

The term Flora signify naturally occurring plants found in any region. The term Flora means the Goddess of plants. The flora comprises of plants, herbs, shrubs, trees, leaves and much more. The flora of India are richest all around the world because of the availability of wide variety plants species and the reason of such wide variety of plants is the variation in climate and environment found in different plants of the country. India is the only country with 45,000 species of flora, 16,000 species of flowering and 300 species of plants of medical importance.  Chlorophytum borivilianum one of the species of plant found in India of rich medical importance.

Chlorophytum borivilianum or Safed Musli is an herb with lanceolate leaves found in central and peninsular India. Safed Mulsi or Chlorophytum borivilianum  is one of the unique gifts to mankind. It is also known as Divya Aushadi because of its medical importance. It is the major source of ingredient in number of Ayurvedic preparations. It has no negative effect.  It is also eaten and cultivated as vegetables in many parts of India.

Classification of Chlorophytum borivilianum

Kingdom: Plantae

Clade:   Angiosperms

Clade:   Monocots

Order:   Asparagales

Family:  Asparagaceae

Subfamily: Agavoideae

Genus: Chlorophytum

Species: C. borivilianum


Characteristic Features: Here are some of the characteristic features of Safed Musli

  1. It is a medicinal plant
  2. White flowers grow of 120 cm long
  3. Roots & Herbs are of medical importance
  4. Saponins and Alkaloids present is the primary source medicinal properties.

Composition of Safed Musli:  It is composed of the following components

  1. Carbohydrates (35-45%)
  2. Proteins (5-10%)
  3. Fiber (25-35%)
  4. Saponins (2-20%)
  5. Alkaloids (15-25%)

Climatic Factor: Following are the climatic factors favorable for the growth of Safed Musli or Chlorophytum borivilianum.

  1. It’s mostly grown in Central India
  2. Sandy loamy Soil
  3. Wide range of temperature and rainfall

Uses of Chlorophytum borivilianum

One of the biggest use of Safed Musli is its medical importance and value and they are as follows:

  1. Ayurvedic Medicines are prepared
  2. Health Tonics are prepared
  3. Sexual Tonics are prepared
  4. Traditional diet for mothers after delivery
  5. Taken in the form of Chips as Nutritional diet
  6. Removes Sexual Weakness
  7. Healing Properties
  8. Curative Properties
  9. Strengths Immunity
  10. Obesity
  11. Diabetes
  12. Leucorrhea
  13. Play a major role in production of good cholesterol
  14. Effective in case of Cough and Asthma
  15. Beneficial for the treatment of natal and postnatal

After studying the different medicinal use of Chlorophytum borivilianum or Safed Musli it is very helpful for the health.