Home places Some Random cool facts About Gujrat & Gujrati that you must share...

Some Random cool facts About Gujrat & Gujrati that you must share with your Kids


The India’s most developed State Gujrat  has a very unique flavor with rich gujrati tradition and culture. Many Gujrati’s  have established them self in India as well in other country s.

Gujrat is the state which is leading the India’s growth story from the front, along with Tamilnadu and Maharashtra. many large corporate have been set up in Gujrat.

Gujrati’s are not only economically sound but they are also very much deep rooted with Indian  and Gujrati culture, Wherever they live, whether in USA or Australia they don’t forget their origin  and roots.

Let’s see some Random facts about Gujrat & Gujaratis.

  • Gujrat is considered as a jewel of west India.
  • Gujrat Share border with 3 Indian states namely Maharashtra, Rajsthan & Madhya – Pradesh from west it is adjoined by Arabian sea and Sindhi province of Pakistan.
  • Ahmedabad is nearly equidistant to Muscat and Chennai.
  • Gujrat’s Ports are being used for trading purpose since Gupta’s and Mourya Times.
  • The modern day Gujrat word derived from the shanskrit word Gujar+Rashtra ( Land of Gurjar). before the mugal period, Some parts of rajasthan and Gujrat was the land of the gurjars.
  • Gujrat is been historically a hub of commercial activity, Initially British and parshiyan have started trading there.
  • Gujrat has a longest sea shore as compared to other Indian state around 1600K.M.
  • Initially Ahamdabad was the capital of Gujrat, later it changed to Gandhinagar, which the greenest capital in all over aisa.
  • India’s Father of the Nation ” Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi ” Was Gujrati.
  • Even Pakistan’s father of The Nation ( Kayede Azam” ” Mohommad Ali was a  Gujrati.
  • Gujrat is the safest state in India having lowest crime rate even crime against women for which India is quite bad reputation Gujrat is Safest place after Goa.
  • Seventeen airports located in Gujrat only, Which makes Gujrat number one in Airport operations in India.
  • Highest number of Diamond merchant operates from Gujarat and Surat is richest city of India before Bangalore.
  • The state owned Wide Area Network is the largest IP-based ICT network in Asia Pacific Region and second largest in the world, connecting 26 districts and 225 talukas through 12,000 nodes.
  • Gujrat is state where you will find highest number of Vegetarian people in India.
  • Highest Number of NRI who lives in US is Gujrati. Approximately 60%.
  • India is the largest producer of Milk in India and Gujrat is the largest producer of Milk in INDIA.
  • Amul – Anand milk co-operative federation products are well known all over India, and it is Asia’s biggest dairy.
  • Kabbadi is the state sports of Gujrat.
  • Many rich people from India and the world are from Gujrat for example late. Dirubhai Ambani, Azim Premji , Dilip Sanghavi etc.
  • The best Management Institute in India IIM is located in Ahamadabad Gujrat.
  • Gujarat produces about 98% of India’s required amount of soda ash.
  • Vallabhbhai Patel, who preached unity between all religions and became a worldwide figure for peaceful struggle against tyranny.
  • Gujrat almost every year register highest growth in agriculture sector. Water irrigation facility of Gujrat is best In India.
  • “Su navi juni” is the gujrati vesion of wassup .. 😉
  • Clothing is also a very big business in Gujrat around 1/3 cotton of India is produced and cultivated in Gujrat.
  • Gir (Gujrat ) is the biggest aisiatic lion park in the world.
  • Mukesh Ambani owned Jamnagar refinery is the biggest refinery in the world.
  • The 1st jyotirlinga of lord Shiva somnath is located in Gujrat.
  • Dwarka, the city of gujrat  which existed around 12,000 years ago.
  • Large number of hotel owners from london and US are from Gujrat.
  • Last but not the list Our Beloved Current prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi is from Gujrat. have been a chief minister of Gujrat for 16 long years.

Fact Source 1 – Wikipidia    , 

Fact Source 2.

Fact source 3.