Home Army News What is the full form of RAW & What do they do...

What is the full form of RAW & What do they do ?

What is the full form of RAW & What do they do ?

RAW is the primary intelligence agency of India, which stands for ” Research and Analysis Wing of India. Its primary responsibility is to protect India,Indian’s and it’s security forces from the forces which intends to harm the Nation.

Mrs. Indira Gandhi created the research and analysis wing under the helm of spymaster Mr. RN Kao. Due the humiliation India faced in 1962 war with China, it was dried need of that time to create a agency, which would deal with foreign  activities. RAW was, in the beginning, a part of IB, but later branched off into an independent unit.

What are the major Activities of RAW ?

  • When former Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa lost the 8 January 2015 election by a humiliating margin, he blamed RAW in an interview given to Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post. ( Raw was allegedly involved )
  • RAW under legendary spy master Mr. RN kao stunned china by claiming Sikkim in 1978.
  • R&AW played a vital role in creation of Bangladesh, 1971. It was raw which was instrumental in creating laxmi Vahani a rebelian group which played a great role in dividing east Pak & west Pak.
  • RAW played a key role in maintaining the secrecy of the first nuclear test by India in 1974, the operation was called the laughing Buddha.
  • It was RAW’s brain child to do operation chanakya to divide the militant in Kashmir.

There are other many other declassified operation which was performed by Research and analysis wing.

How  RAW functions ?

RAW is headed by Secretary (Research) in the Cabinet Secretariat, and is colloquially referred to as Chief of RAW. The position reports to the Prime Minister of India, but administratively Secretary (Research) reports to the Cabinet Secretary. For operational matters, Secretary (Research) works with the NSA.

There are different departments under Research & analysis win, which are specializes in different activity. Which are

  • Electronic & Technical Services (ETS).- Specializes in technical surveillance.
  • Radio Research Center (RRC) – Specializes in signal and transmission surveillance.
  • ARC (Aviation Research Center) – specialized unit that does aerial reconnaissance.
  • National Technical Research Organization (NTRO)– responsible for very high-end electronic surveillance and Internet monitoring.
  • Cyber team – capabilities in cryptologist, remote sensing and cyber warfare.
  • Special frontier Force – This the the most confidential team of RAW, often used for covert operation. Though exact numbers of the force  are not known, its strength is said to stand at 10,000 today.

Special frontier force is further divided into ultra-secret Special Group (SG), which currently performs the most deadliest job in the intelligence world. The core of SG is Para SF and it is stationed in Sarsawa (UP).

There are many freelancers and wide  network of agents ( Mukbir ) and some dark world faces make this agency most deadliest Intelligence agency of the world.