Home Business This Small Town Start-Up is Making Wonders In Common People Life

This Small Town Start-Up is Making Wonders In Common People Life

Rent2cash Rental Classified
Image Source : Rent2cash Team

In our next series of amazing startups, we want to introduce you people, to a wonder full startup from a small town Raipur that is “Rent2cash.com”. Have you ever faced any difficulty to get apartment on rent in a new city ? or you might be having trouble in finding bike on rent, if you are visiting some city for few day’s ?

The solution of your above problem is rent2cash.com , It’s a  P2P classified “exclusively for rental” purpose.

Founders :

Rent2cash.com Rental Classified India Founders
Source : rent2cash.com

Rent2cash is started by Digital Marketing trainer and Consultant Anuj Jha and Industrialist from Raipur Mr. Banke Agrawal. When we spoke to Anuj about the inception of idea of rent2cash, he explained that he has studied in Pune and worked in city like Pune, Mumbai , Delhi & Ghaziabad, where ever he stayed he faced a lot of problem in getting room on rent or other things on rent. When he came to Raipur, which is apparently his home town he shared his idea with Mr. Agrawal, Who infect also faced the same difficulty in getting flat on rent in Raipur, when he 1st came to Raipur from Odisa. Both of them decided to do something about this & that’s how Rent2cash.com came in to existence.

How it is different then other Rental Classified ?

We also asked Anuj about how it is different from other classified? On that he said : When we started in 2014 there was no P2P classified which was dealing purely on rental products. But after we did it, obviously there were many came in this field, some of them even copied our design and layout or even category for that matter, many of them have even closed their operations, look you can copy an idea but it’s quite difficult to copy the  passion. Currently with 1 lakh plus advertisement and more then 10,000 user we are at the top. Currently the category which we are having like Plant, Agricultural products, Menhendi Artist, Rangoli Wala or Instrument for engineering project is  no other competitor has even think of. Since last 2 year we are working and helping people to find their need. So we are different from competitor in many way’s, be it  our product wise, category  wise or  most importantly intent wise.

Anuj Jha Founder Rent2cash.com
Source : rent2cash.com

How About Financial of the Company

We also asked Mr. Anuj about the financial  viability of the product and how they are going to make money ?

Anuj : Currently we are on our 1st phase of our product where we having a got good response till now, currently we are enhancing the capability of our product, trying to make it little more viable in terms of finance. By the end of Dec we will be ready to commercialize our product and by the end of March, we are also going to launch our Mobile application. We are also looking make some changes in our business modal, though we are successful in attracting visitor from all over India. But in second phase we would try monetize these valuable traffic.

What will be the modal, that i can not reveal it now by we have our plans in place, and let me tell you we are not here to try and run the game, we are serious and we are here to stay till this works. currently we are not looking for funding till we are sure our revenue modal is in place. Currently we are working and sustaining  on premium ads only.

Our Verdict

Rent2cash.com is a good idea, but already there are some competition, not serious though but lack of fund and the startup location (Raipur ) may hurt them. Though they are getting good traction from many parts of the world, they are also dealing in many category & it’s been 2 year they are dealing in this business. if they can get a good revenue modal in place, which they are claiming they would achieve in by march. than they can do wonders with this. ( Comment is personal from the writer )