Home Health Some major side effects of Withania Somnifera

Some major side effects of Withania Somnifera

Withania Somnifera
Withania Somnifera
Withania Somnifera is an evergreen shrub belongs to Solanaceae family. It is known by many names such as Ashwagandha, Winter cherry, Ghoda asoda, Indian ginseng, poison gooseberry, kanaje Hindi, Kuthmithi, Samm al ferakh and many other names. Withania Somnifera is the botanical name, whereas Ashwagandha in Hindi name. It is called as Ashwagandha, because it has a strong odor of horse (Ashwa). It is one of the plants known in the Indian Ayurvedic system since ancient times, playing a major part in curing a number of dangerous diseases. It is also used in other medicinal systems, namely Homeopathy, Unani and China’s medical system. It is native to India and generally found in the drier regions of India. Apart from Indian subcontinents it is also found in the Middle East and some parts of Africa. The plant bears fruits, leaves, roots and flowers. All the parts of the plant have a rich source of medicinal properties used in curing a number of diseases. The height of the plant is about five feet tall with tomentose branches, dull green leaves, bell shaped flowers and orange-red colored fruits. It is also taken in the form of powder. Alkaloids and steroidal lactones are the major chemical components present in Withania Somnifera.

Side Effects

Being an Ayurvedic plant it offers variety of advantages, benefits and uses, apart from the benefits it has some side effects and are very dangerous for human health. It is so dangerous that it cannot be taken without proper guidance of physicians as its side effects are generally abnormal and calm. Generally the excessive dose of Withania Somnifera shows lots of side effects and some of the side effects are listed below.
  • It causes Sedation

  • It can lower the blood sugar level in the body

  • It causes Abortion, i.e. it is not given to pregnant women

  • It causes respiratory disorders

  • It causes abnormal heart functioning by lowering the blood pressure

  • It may cause diarrhea and abdominal pain

  • It causes kidney lesions due to its diuretic properties.

  • It also increases the risk of hyperthyroidism

  • It is recommended to take with food or milk as it shows adverse effects on someone if taken on an empty stomach.

  • It causes death if taken in an excess amount.

After studying the blog one can get complete information about the side effects of Withania Somnifera.