Yoga one of the best and modern day meditation techniques performed by pupils in order to attain a complete peace of mind and soul. It also helps in relaxing body as well. Yoga one of the ancient techniques cherished and performed by the people all around the globe. Experts say that one has to relax his/her body after doing Yoga. Yoga can be done by people of any age group, fitness and gender, but in some places there are restrictions to some category or gender of people. One can also start yoga with himself from easier positions to tough and from tough position to tougher position. Yoga is also useful for those who are fit. Yoga is not one set of poses, it is made up of many poses and styles derived from different parts of the world.
There are different forms and types of Yoga area available, each of with different features and advantage. Some of the types and styles are
Bhakti Yoga
Karma Yoga
Kundalini Yoga
Hatha Yoga
Raja Yoga
Jnana Yoga