Home 2019 election Will “New India” will meet same fate as “India shining” and...

Will “New India” will meet same fate as “India shining” and “Amit Shah” will become new “Pramod Mahajan” in 2019 ?

Will "New India" will meet same fate as "India shining" and "Amit Shah" will become new "Pramod Mahajan" in 2019 ?

Will “New India” meet the same fate as “India shining” and “Amit Shah” will become new “Pramod Mahajan” in 2019? Why we are saying this is because, in 2004 also under the tremors of telecom revolution under Pramod Mahajan, NDA thought they would easily win the election the mood in media was same as it is today in favour of NDA alliance. But the results had shocked everyone. Will this time also we will see the same senario in 2019 as 2004. And if yes then what are the reasons for it.

1Schemes are only in news paper and websites

The scheme of the govt today is only to create media headline, like smart city, skill development, cleanliness drive though the intention of the govt might be good, on the ground you won’t find any substantial changes.

2Demonetization failure

Demonetization has become a complete failure as GDP has declined sharply in last two-quarters. The looming market of India is not good for any one. Now the govt is claiming that suspected money exchange is under the radar, shell companies have been identified and all, but the fact is shell company identification is nothing to do with demonetization, the way India could have progressed in 2017 it hasn’t and people have suffered.

3Party cadre is demoralized

The fact is the people within BJP is mumbling that they are not happy with the functioning of the party. It seems that only 3 people are running the show, Jaitley, Shah, and Modi. Till UP election people have voted in an expectation of some thing good but BJP govt. have disappointed people in different front.

4Job less growth

India is growing but not the entire population is growing with it, only a few people are growing, the biggest reason for the is joblessness in the country. We are young country 65 % of the population is under 30 year. Govt has failed to generate jobs in last 3 years, unemployment has grown, which has further increased the poverty.

5Price rise

There is a continuous increment in price as GST is way too higher that is making goods and services out of the reach of Indian middle class. The middle class is suffering more as he is paying highest tax and not able to use the luxierous product as it has become more expensive in GST regime. And mind you Indian middle class is the biggest vote bank of BJP.

6Hard core Hindu Hardliner are unhappy with BJP

It happens with NDA one and it is happening with NDA 2 as well. The hardliner claim that BJP remains only Hindu Party till the election, as soon as they win the election they become secular. As Hindu hard liner wanted Modi to take action on Uniform civil code, conversion, Ram Temple, Article 35 and 370. But till now nothing has been implemented boldly triple talaq was Muslims pain only and solved by the court, nothing bold decision came from govt. to regulate uniform civil code. This is the biggest reason for let down of RSS cadre and Hindu hardliner.

These are some of the reason why we feel that, if nothing is been done in these remaining two years of NDA , govt. then “New India” will meet the same fate as “India shining” and “Amit Shah” will become new “Pramod Mahajan” in 2019?