The Delhi Police has submitted a 1,200-page-long charge sheet in the Patiala House Court on Monday, 14 January, against 10 people –

Former JNUSU President Kanhaiya Kumar, speaking to ANI, said:
“If the news is true that a charge sheet has been filed, I would like to thank police and Modi ji. The filing of charge sheet after three years, ahead of elections clearly shows it to be politically motivated. I trust the judiciary of my country.”
Kanhaiya Kumar to ANI
मोदी जी से हमने 15 लाख, रोज़गार और अच्छे दिन माँगे थे, देश के अच्छे दिन आए न आए कम से कम चुनाव से पहले हमारे ख़िलाफ़ चार्जशीट तो आई है। अगर यह ख़बर सही है तो मोदी जी और उनकी पुलिस को बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद।
— Kanhaiya Kumar (@kanhaiyakumar) January 14, 2019
Police said the statements of 90 witnesses were recorded. These included JNU administrative and security staff, students of the varsity, those who had gathered for the protest, three constables of Delhi Police who were at the campus in civil dress, and the reporter and the cameraman of Zee News.
Police said they have 10 mobile phone
As its happening just before the election the politics in this issue bound to be get hot in coming day as left parties started protest against IT, and BJP is not finding the answer why it took them 3 year to file an FIR.