After Loksabha on Wednesday Rajyasabha also passes law for amending the constitution in order to pave the way for 10 % quota for “Economically backward class” from general category people from India. Almost every party except for RJD & AIADMK supported it. Out of 172 members present in the lower house 165 voted for acceptance of the bill only 7 member from the Rajayasabha opposed to it.

” PM Modi called the bill historic and stepping stone in the direction of social justice”
In other tweet Prime Minister also thanked congress and other opposition party for helping the bill in passing in the critical stage.
I thank MPs from all the parties who supported The Constitution (One Hundred And Twenty-Fourth Amendment) Bill, 2019 in the Lok Sabha.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 8, 2019
I also appreciate those MP colleagues who enriched today’s debate with their views.
This bill will provide quota for economically backward general category people in educational institute including the private institute & govt jobs as well. People will include who belong to general category including from minority community who is not covered under any other reservation policy, who has income less then 8 Lakh P.A
In debate while raising the doubt on the intention of bringing bill at this juncture where govt. only has less than 100 day’s in the office congress said government jobs are drying and the economy is witnessing a jobless growth. Questioning the criteria defined to classify economically backward classes in general category as persons with annual family income of Rs 8 lakh when income tax exemption limit is
only Rs 2.5 lakh, they also asked why in the four-and-half-years the Modi government did not bring women’s reservation bill and one for reservation for SCs in the promotion.
As bill is passed in both the houses of Indian Parliament It ll go the the president to be the law but can be challenged in the court of Law, now ball is in the court of judiciary to keep the amendment or change it.
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