Home Yoga Most Amazing Unknown facts about International Yoga Day

Most Amazing Unknown facts about International Yoga Day


5highest number of co-sponsors ever for any UNGA Resolution of such nature.

Image Source : www.narendramodi.in

On December 11, 2014, India’s Permanent Representative Asoke Mukherji introduced the draft resolution in UNGA. The draft text received broad support from 177 Member States who adopted the text without a vote. This initiative found support from many global leaders. Fact source 

4Lord Shiva was the first yogi known as “AADI GURU”

image source : www.palpalindia.com

Lord shiva begun imparting the knowledge of yoga to the rest of mankind and became the fist teacher of Yoga. Some also call lord Shiva as “AADI YOGI” which means creator or oldest yogi.



3NCC cadets holds a records in Limca Book for performing on Yoga Day .

Image Source : sainiksamachar.nic.in

“Largest Yoga performance simultaneously by a single uniformed youth organisation” by performing at multiple venues

2US celebrates ‘Yogathon’ on International Yoga Day

Image Source : andpausehere.com

More than 100 cities in United States of America will host a ‘Yogathon’ on International Yoga Day. and Yoga day also holds a records of The two records were for the largest yoga class, featuring 35,985 people, and for the largest number of participating nationalities (84 nations)

1Narandra Modi Proposed the Idea

Image Source : www.sify.com

Indian PM Modi after becoming PM in India proposed this idea to the UN and 177 countries supported it 47 out of 56 Islamic corporation countries also participated in the the event. It has became the health revolution all over the world.