Honest Review AirLift Movie

    airlift movie review
    source : zeenews.india.com

    Movie : Airlift Movie review

    Actor : Akshay Kumar, Namrat Kaur , Purab Kohli , Niniad Kamat , Inamul huq.
    Story and Direction : Raja Krishna Menon
    Duration : 2 Hour four Minute
    Rating : 3.5/5.
    At a time when star’s who at pinnacle of their career like Salman, SRk , Aamir is makeing movie like Dangal, Dilwale and kick kind of commercial movie because bollywood has become a number game and about business only. At this time  taking risk of making out of league movie like baby, Special 26 , OMG , and by making it success surely Akshey has made a altogether a different status for himself in Bollywood.
    Now let’s talk about his recent release Airlift. This is  no doubt one of the finest performance of Akshey kumar till date , You won’t believe this is the same actor who once called as wooden actor in 1990’s. He played  a role of Ranjit katyal  a Indian Kuwaiti Businessmen who is very sharp and honest in his business dealing’s. He does not care for his wife Nimrat kaur. He believe  himself a Kuwaiti then a Indian. On the night on 2nd august the Iraqi army attacks kuwit and the royal king of Kuwait and Kuwait army fly out to the nation to Saudi Arabia. Iraqi army kills every Kuwaiti they find and destroy every city they go but they do’t do any thing to Indian nationals, but one day when Iraqi kills ranjeet katyal driver then he feels the danger of the situation and tryies to fly out of the kuwait by using his influence in kuwait and Iraq.
    By the time when he try to fly out of the Kuwait, he sees his office staff and other Indian stranded and looking at him with expectation, then his heart turns around and he starts thinking of saving every Indian lifes in Kuwait who are stranded and that is the story . At this point you will see the amazing acting skill of Akshey kumar in the movie.
    Only one thing does not go well in the movie is Inamul huq try to speak duplicate Arbi- Hindi its absolutly does not go well with the timing. Film has 2-3 song which does not interrupt the pace of the movie.You will love the acting of prakash belwadi and purab kohli in the movie.
    When country is facing so much of negativity, you should surely watch this movie with your family.