Home Unknown Facts PM Narendra Modi Adopts another village in Varanasi

PM Narendra Modi Adopts another village in Varanasi

Narendra Modi Adopt Another Village Nagepur
Image Source : http://www.hindustanmerijaan.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/narendra-modi000011.jpg

Under the programme of ” Adarsh Gram Yojna ” PM Narendra Modi adopts another village in Varanasi.

Prime minister Narendra Modi in his parliament constituency Varanasi adopted another Village, this time Modi choose Aarji Block. Under “Adrsh Gram Yojna” Modi has adopted Nagepur Village in Kashi( Vranasi ). Previously Modi has adopted Jayapur now he took charge of Nagepur, which is only 10 KM from jayapur. When the news broke of PM has adopted this village, celebration started all over the village people started distributing sweets to each other.

This village known as a dark Zone of Varanasi because water level is so less in this area, only 8 hour electricity is available in 24 hour in this village, Basic facility’s are not available  in this Nagepur village but after this initiative of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, people of Nagepur are hopeful of change and development.

People are waiting for Narendra modi to change the circumstances of this Darkzone village Nagepur. 

Some of the facts about  Nagepur Village.

  • Nagepur is Located 40 Kilometer away from main city of varanasi.
  • Total population of the village is 4 thousand.
  • Where  2,030 male  and  1,800 females.
  • There is still no primary school in this village.
  • There is no proper facility of Water and electricity in this village.
  • In nagepur there is no primary health facility or Aganbadi center available.
  • No irrigation and water distribution facility for agriculture.
  • Female of the village still has to go in open for toilet as there is no proper toilets in village or in home of the villagers.

Previously this village was known for waviers and farmers but now there is no proper employment opportunity present in the village, People expect from modi to change the fortune of Nagepur village is Jayapur.