Home Health Unknown fact about Ocimum sanctum

Unknown fact about Ocimum sanctum

Unknown fact about Ocimum sanctum

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India one of the countries in the world map filled with a wide variety of flora each off with unique significance and importance. Flora comprise of plants, trees, herbs and shrubs. The flora again divided into a number of categories like genus, species, family, categories and sub categories and much more. Some of the common genus known and found are Ocimum, Caladium, Bauhinia and much more which can be again sub categorized into species and family.

About Ocimum sanctum

Ocimum is a species of aromatic annual, perennial herbs and shrubs comes under the family Lamiaceae, and are most commonly found in tropical and warm temperate regions. Ocimum sanctum is the category of genus Ocimum. It is also known as Ocimum tenuiflorum or tulsi an aromatic plant found commonly in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. It also belongs to the family Lamiaceae.

Characteristic feature of Ocimum sanctum

  1. It is a widespread and cultivated plant.
  2. It is a small shrub.
  3. It is erect and many branched.
  4. The lengths of the branches are about 30 – 60 cm.
  5. Having a hairy stem.
  6. Having scented leaves of green color.
  7. Have ovate and slightly toothed leaves.
  8. The length of leaves are 3- 5cm
  9. Flowers also grown on the Tulsi plant of purplish to white color.

Unknown Facts about Ocimum sanctum

Ocimum sanctum or Tulsi, a plant with lots and lots of usefulness and importance not known to everyone. Some of the usefulness and importance of tulsi plant are listed below.

  1. Religious Value: Tulsi, one of the sacred plants for Hindus. Tulsi plants and leaves are of very religious value, importance and play an essential part in the worship of different gods and goddess namely Vishnu, Lakshmi, Rama and many more. Tulsi on the basis of their color, are worshipped in two forms i.e. light green tulsi for Rama and dark green tulsi for shyama. Tulsi marriage another important festival celebrated by Hindus all around the world. It is celebrated after Diwali. It is the marriage of Tulsi with Vishnu.
  2. Traditional Uses and Value: It is used as the flavor material in number of beverages like Tea. The aroma of the leaves adds special flavor to Tea. The leaves of tulsi can be consumed in dried, powdered and fresh form. In Thailand it is also used at the time of cooking in order to add flavor in the food.
  3. Medicinal Value: The plant of tulsi has of lots of medical value and importance since ancient period.It is used to fight and treat a number of disorders like colds, headaches, stomach disorders, inflammation, heart disease, poisoning , malaria and much more. Tulsi also contains eugenol,which play a major role as painkillers.It is also very effective for diabetes. Apart from this oil extracted from tulsi leaves are used for skin treatment because of the antibacterial feature present in them. Tulsi is also used in Indonesia to make baths because of their sedative, nervine and antipyretic features.


The blog therefore gives you more information about Tulsi, its religious and medicinal importance.