Home Unknown Facts 7 Most mysterious & Forbidden Places of the world : Spooky

7 Most mysterious & Forbidden Places of the world : Spooky

The world is full of supersizes and unsolved mysteries, only thing we need is the curiosity to look and search for it. There are many places in the world which are so spooky and forbidden that many few people know about that. Let us take you through those 10 mysterious places. 


5Bohemian grove 

Bohemian grove is a  2,700-acre (1,100 ha) campground located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue, in Monte Rio, California. It’s a elite club involved extremely high authority people, likes of Bush family or Clinton family, royal British family . Alex Jones and his cameraman, Mike Hanson, sneaked into the Grove. Their investigation reveals that, inside the grove many spooky rituals are being performed, people do  many ghostly thing. Source